Remember Local Musicians

January 12, 2019

In response to Secretary-Treasurer Pino’s Column in the Fall Dallas/Fort Worth Musician:

To Whom It May Concern:

I found Aaron Pino’s thorough article about auditions interesting and enlightening on many fronts. It is worth noting, however, that in the past some CBA’s including that of the Dallas Symphony, had clauses that gave anyone who was a Local 72-147 member in good standing the right to audition for any openings in the local jurisdiction where auditions were being held. Local players were able to audition at a local only audition or at the national audition itself.

Also, it was usually understood that if extra players or substitutes were needed, these players would come from Local 72-147 — as long as someone qualified was available. This practice has now often been abandoned with many excellent local players being excluded from the area’s best work.

Because the local is always trying to recruit young players, it would make sense to offer more incentive to join the local. Why should talented, up and coming musicians pay initiation fees and dues if they have difficulties even auditioning for some of DFW’s premier ensembles? Why should first-rate local players be passed over as subs and extras for players from other jurisdictions?

Giving qualified local players at least the chance to share in all local opportunities would be a particularly strong incentive for musicians to join and support Local 72-147.

Greg Hustis

Continue reading with: “I appreciate Greg Hustis’ writing in about Auditions” by Aaron Pino