Streaming Series Funded By MPTF Kicked Off This Week
“Jazz from Denton, Texas” Wednesday Night Series at Steve’s Wine Bar in Denton was kicked off Wednesday, September 16. Through the support of Music Performance Trust Fund, this series creates socially distanced gigs for musicians to combat the lack of employment caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic. These performances were performed to an empty venue — courtesy of Steve’s Wine Barr — but made available to all through a live stream on MPTF’s Facebook Page, covered by an AFM media agreement. Local 72-147 Bands Featured on Thursday’s stream were Eric “Scortch” Scortia @ 7PM and Stefan Karlsson @ 10PM.
The “Dallas Musicians in the Park” Series began performances on Thursday, September 17 at Klyde Warren Park in Downtown Dallas. Also Supported by Music Performance Trust Fund, these socially distanced gigs while available to an outdoor audience at the park are also being streamed through MPTF’s Facebook Page. Thursday’s Performance Featured Freddie Jones @ 7PM and RazzmaJazz at 8:15. Though earlier performances originally scheduled on Sept 3 & 10 had to be canceled due to rain, the series is planned to continue through the fall.
You can also check out the event pages for both series and watch the streamed shows at the Local 72-147 Facebook Page.