Thank You for Supporting the DFW Musicians COVID-19 Relief Fund
As Vice President of Local 72-147, I want to thank everyone for the generous support which has made the DFW Musicians COVID-19 Relief Fund possible.
I have had the sober privilege of serving on the committee raising money for the fund as well as assessing the needs of the applicants and disbursement amounts to be allocated. Although some members of our Local have been receiving compensation while concerts have been cancelled and postponed, many of our freelance members have found themselves in extremely dire circumstances. The amount of work and income lost due to the Pandemic is both shocking and devastating. While many freelancers typically bring in additional income through teaching, composing, or arranging, or non-musical work, a large number of us have absolutely no other income outside of our performances.
This show of financial support, combined with the Local’s investment in the fund and other donations, has enabled us to provide some support to our fellow musicians with whom we – in normal times – share the stage, church services, teaching studios, and outside gigs. While we cannot replace what has been lost, we can continue to assist them enough to pay some bills, cover a portion of rent, or buy groceries, as we all stand together to survive this difficult time for our industry and art form. We have heard back from members who have received aid from the Fund, and about how relieved and grateful they are to have had some help. As the Pandemic continues affect us, the Fund is as needed as ever.
To all of our contributors: your gift has inspired others to give, and will continue to do so. This is invaluable as we attempt to keep the fund going to do as much as we can for our brothers and sisters. You have shown leadership, compassion, generosity, and selflessness by making this donation, and I am so proud to be your colleague.
On behalf of those who will be able to sustain themselves a bit longer because of your assistance, thank you.